
Monday, November 18, 2019

Create Task 😎

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog.
Today I will be talking about my reading create task for Week 5.
This week my goal for reading was  :
Use questions to challenge the text, question the author, establish the authenticity of the text and state opinions. The task we were set is to:  Identify and determine whether or not an article is authentic or not. Develop key questions that you would ask the author if you ever had the opportunity to interview them, as well as questions that challenge the text. We used a padlet to share our thinking. Here is my thinking about the questions on the padlet.

  1. Which article was authentic? How did you come to work this out? Give 2 examples from both texts to back up your reasoning as to why it was fake or authentic.
My answer was....

I think that the one about the homework is fake because there was simple mistakes that made it more obvious. The one I think is real is the one about St Lucia. I think it is real because she had more evidence to back him her points and more pictures and lots more information.

The 2nd book has more pictures and information and is also from a reliable source.

The first one has lack of information and is from an unreliable source.

2. Write two questions that you would like to ask the author if ever given the chance to do so. 

My answer was....

1. Did you go to St Lucia, as child? If so was the way you did things there different, better or worse?
2. Did writing this book give you any inspiration to write another book, If you could go back would change the way you did things/ wrote it?

3.I think that the grammar, punctuation and lack of information shows that the article about homework one is fake also because there was not any evidence that backed up the main facts.

My answer was....

I think that the grammar, punctuation and lack of information shows that the article about homework one is fake also because there was not any evidence that backed up the main facts.

Have you ever read a fake article?
See you Next time Bye :)

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