Bula, Lately I haven't been doing my sports posts so here's a quick recap.
*2 weeks ago on Saturday we played Belfast. It was a good game and we won 21-0. That game I got player of the day. I played well for my 3 quarters in WD and me and my team were really happy with our end results.
*Last week on Thursday at winter sports we played Elsmere college. We sadly didn't come away with a win but that's OK because we played a not so bad game.
*The last Saturday we played Cashmere. We won 18-10. That was also a really good game.
* The most recent game was yesterday. Yesterday we had a tough game. We played Catholic Cathedral College. They had some really tough players but I think that our team played really well to the best of our ability's. We lost 24-9. I scored a goal! Usually I play in the mid-court. Yesterday I tried GA. I enjoyed it but I still like the mid-court the best.
What sports do you play?
See you next time Byeee :)