In Term 1 we went to camp. It took us an hour to arrive at our destination, Woodend Christian camp!
(Link 1) We had so much fun at camp we would definitely take the experience to go on another camp one time!
Here is some photos of us having fun!
It was my first ever time going on camp with my school, It was a great experience and I would deferentially go back!
My favourite part was all the fun activities, Orienteering, Wall Climbing, Water slide, go Carting, Archery and Air Riffles, Mini Golf, Aero jump and Flying Fox/Zip-line.
Every day after lunch we do about 10 minutes of S.U.W. S.U.W stands for Silent Uninterrupted Writing!!!!!!
My learning focus was Step out writing, Step out writing is when you take a paragraph or a story and make up some actions to go along, when you are telling the story this also includes, body language, and voice expression.
Here is an example of my writing, it is only a draft so it may have a few mistakes!
Choose a traditional story and change it into your own:Gingerbread man-( The Cranky Juice man)One sunny day the wrinkly old lady and man (bob and Mary), took the chance to make a cranky juice man. As they found the cups and they bought the juice they were very excited to make the Cranky juice man. They poured cups of orange Juice, apple juice and lemon juice, the cranky juice man started to come together, they took their` old limbs and chucked the cranky old juice man straight into the fridge. The cranky juice man wasn’t there the next day, but was on Bob and Mary's comfy old bed. He ran and ran as he sang you can’t catch me I’m the cranky juice man I'm running and running so I can't be drank! So he ran and he ran as fast as he can till he crashed into the yellow locks of Goldilocks. Goldilocks just said uh I don't want to buy anything so if your selling or at least trying to sell something get out of here. So the Cranky juice man ran and he ran You can't catch me I'm the Cranky juice man he sang as he sprang like a kangaroo on his birthday! As he he ran into the distance he sang “You’ll never see me again I’m the cranky juice man.